WD-40: That’s right the lubricant with a thousand uses adds another one to the list. Just spray it on the stuck-on grime you want to remove, let it sit for 5-10 minutes and then wipe off with a cloth. Due to how oily it is we recommend you avoid using it on glass, mirrors or chrome otherwise you will be in for quite the battle to get rid of the residue.
Dish Soap W/Water: This is primarily for cleaning windshields; just mix it together in a spray bottle and spray the windshield let the mixture sit for a few minutes and then scrub it off with a rag or sponge.
Peanut Butter: This trick requires a bit more time and elbow grease than the others but will save you some cash. Coat whatever stuck-on substance you’re trying to remove and let it sit for about 30 minutes. Then start scrubbing with a microfiber cloth and voila! You should have one less mark to worry about. Just be careful about when you do this; the middle of a 32.3-degree day is not advised.